Thursday, June 10, 2010

Magazine Cover

You can pretty much conclude the concept of this assignment: Put yourself on the cover of a magazine. Adding a barcode, text, and a little photo editing allowed me to create this mock Vogue cover. Ciao.

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Girl Retouch - Spring Semester

Oh GaGa, how you inspire us to create such bizarre pieces. This project enabled me to focus on several tools including brush, blur, healing, and clone. The use of adjustment layers allowed the development of color.

Jesus Christ Superstar Poster - Spring Semester

The spring musical at my high school was none other than Jesus Christ Superstar. Being enrolled in the graphic arts, it was my job to create a Jesus Christ masterpiece. Alternating type, masking gradients, and using brush tools all allowed me to create a poster that would be considered for this glorious musical. Ironically, this poster only won the heart of my mother, not those in charge over at JCS.

Dear Old Grandfather - Spring Semester

Dear Old Grandfather...a rustic, tortured photo transformed into a colorful sensation. Techniques such as dust and scratches, the history brush, color adjustment layers, cloning, healing, and a little elbow grease brought this picture together.

Crew, Handsome Guy, Family - Spring Semester

Embossing type into this photo created the ultimate "crew" experience.

Spot tool, clone tool, dodge tool, layer transparency. 
All tools used to make this handsome guy look years younger.

Photoshop allowed me to use dust and scratches to remove a musty photo appearance, the clone tool to remove the photo's tape along the edges, and the history brush to bring back some of the vintage feel.

CD Front Cover - Spring Semester

Every pea needs a pod. This just so happens to be the pod to my previously constructed back CD cover. Housing the condescending concept of an imaginary band, this cover demonstrates use of wand selection, masking, and the brush tool. I'm not quite sure what inspired this random spurt of grunge work, but I suppose it helped with the overall design.

CD Back Cover - Spring Semester

It's been said that time heals everything. Well, that concept doesn't exactly apply to the feel of this CD back cover. Creations of fire, awkward splatters, unknown monsters, all things that were built by masking, brush and type tools. Let's just say, the war has only begun...